Set Career (more options available) to set the current Sim’s career to a specified path, branch, and rank.
Force NPC (more options available) to make a particular NPC arrive.
Force Visitor to make a random visitor arrive.
Make Me Know Everyone to make active Sim know everyone in the neighbourhood.
Make All Dynamic to return needs to normal decay rate.
Make Needs Static to set needs to max and stop them decaying over time.
Make Friends For Me to give the active Sim a number of random friends from the neighbourhood.
Make All Happy to set active household mood to max.
Shift-click the mailbox and choose any of the following options: We’ve put together some of the options below: One of the most important cheat codes in The Sims 3 is testingcheatsenabled true, which enables a world of new options that are accessible by using shift-click on Sims, items, and more. The Sims 3 Cheats The Sims 3 shift-click cheats
The Sims 3 Xbox cheats: Hold down all four shoulder buttons at onceĪ box will then appear at the top of your screen where you’ll type your codes in.
The Sims 3 PS3 cheats: Hold down all four shoulder buttons at once.
The Sims 3 Mac cheats: Hold Command and Shift, then press c.