Downstairs is a small room with two pulse grenades on a shelf and an average safe containing pulse grenades, pulse mines, and assorted loot. The effect looks great, although personally I'd prefer it without the 'impact' rocks just because of how it looks when the beam impacts above the player. , After centuries of disuse, the Brotherhood of Steel discovered the facility. A private, invite only, maker space, inspired by Mischka Ravensfuri, Jess Roe, and too many others to count. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. The Helios One power plant has hidden potential, but you have to get it working again to access it's power. Placed at the top of the tower, this circular deck forms a spiral, divided into two distinct levels. The NCR established a firm foothold in Helios One and its vicinity, although due to a stroke of bad luck, an incompetent con artist was hired to act as the facility's principal engineer. This page contains Fallout: New Vegas cheats list for PC version. The first example happens if the Courier asks about the origins of the NCR Exiles proper where there'll be a playable flashback of Gray, the NCR recruiter, during the battle of Helios One.

It also contains the control system for two experimental satellite weapon systems, the self defensive system Archimedes I and the offensive system Archimedes II. The chapter's leader, Elder Elijah, disappeared without a trace. Privacy Polic圜ookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. Speech 30 - Lie and say the player character's brother works there. Where do you find the key for the 2nd floor of the broadcast building at Black Mountain? That Archimedes option sounds great actually. Helios One is a Poseidon Energy concentrated solar power plant that used to, and potentially still can, generate and provide power to the Las Vegas Strip and regional power grid. Option 4 (Archimedes II), and trusted by Ignacio Rivas. The player has to gain the trust of the lieutenant or gain entry via a locked door on the eastern side of the building. Due to the low power output, the facility is considered of low strategic value and suffers from a lack of manpower and supplies. I knew one thing, though : The Courier I was playing as this time had to be THE Courier 6, the one with my “perfect choices” and “perfect ending”. The room beyond contains four more protectrons locked in more shielded charging stations. Computer-controlled solar arrays surround it and, in theory, track the sun, reflecting its rays at the collection tower.